Wednesday, 4 February 2009


It's not often that I'll admit to being the victim of the green-eyed monster, but reading Anna's blog, I can't help but feel a little envious.

I know her situation is painful, and the fact that she can't talk directly to Leigh cuts her up, but at least she gets some sort of feedback from her. Updates via Facebook to let her know she's ok and mutual friends who can pass messages on.

I don't have anything tangible like a ring, or even a birthday card to remember my Lee by. I don't expect him to add me to his list of Facebook friends, but being able to see his profile page would be nice. He doesn't trust any of his friends enough to allow them to keep in contact with me. Or maybe he's embarrassed.

It hurts to know that after all the trust I put in him, he finds it so easy to cut me out of his life. Early November he told me he still wanted to hear from me; that he wasn't going anywhere. By December, he'd promised his wife he wouldn't get in touch with me - a strange promise to make when you've just announced that your marriage is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. I know it hurts. I know it does.

It probably is easier getting to hear how Leigh is doing even though I can't hear from her directly. We really don't even pass messages back and forth through our friend. She has offered, but I hold back. I know that Leigh is reading my blog. I have a statcounter that tells me she checks it daily. Sometimes that is hard because I know she wants me to get over her. I feel the need to lie and pretend like things are getting better so that she'll feel better. I just can't do it. I have to be honest with where I am. I have no choice. I fear it will drive her away one day. That she will decide she has to stop reading in order to get over it. I still have to write what I feel though.

I can't imagine not knowing about her. Not having news of her. After 20 years of being her friend I think I would die without news.

Thanks so much for your thoughts. I hope you are having a better day.